Open Love Letters To My Female Friends

Angela, you’ve been the most influential role model in my life since we connected in my Sophomore year (your Junior year). Not to exaggerate, but I was– and still am– completely enamored by your strength, compassion, and integrity. One time during our leadership reign at Belmont MUN, you sternly told me not to do something and why it was wrong. From that day forward, I’ve never found a more trustworthy friend; I always confide in you. I admire your unwavering boundaries and morals. Plus, you’re my twin in every aspect. Look at our backstories and how far we’ve come! And look at any photo of us wearing the same outfits. I hope we’re buried next to each other. I love you!

Ariana, my twin (picture me doing finger hearts right now). What would I have done had you not been spying on the hallway? What would I have done had I not been loud in that same hallway at the same exact time? I don’t think we coincidentally crossed paths. I see our friendship as two parallel lines, but now we’ve reached out to join hands. I hope we never let go. I never thought I'd meet anyone so similar to me away from my hometown, let alone from Texas. Our brains have officially converged to one. Let’s do another Billiam (known more commonly as Ben) & Renan double-date as soon as Ben returns. I love you!

Bella, I think we’ve both entered into another dimension where we can share telepathy. The day before my birthday, I had taken a picture of an extremely delightful “party animal” birthday card that featured 14 different animals, all dressed in party hats (adorable, I know). Mind you, this card was only to be found in a very specific, well-hidden Japanese stationary store in the East Village. What do you know, I open my birthday card and I’m being called by all the party animals! We must be on the same mental wavelength. I’m so happy you were so receptive to chatting with me when entering the Silver building together by chance. I keep your card displayed on my desk, always. I love you!

Always on my desk!

Josie, Josie, Josie. You’re probably in the top-five people I know…and I know a lot of people. Sound familiar? I hope it does. It’s true. I could quite literally never get bored of chatting with you and hearing your witty jokes. President-ing with you was the highlight of my senior year. I’ve never left a conversation without a new joke or an obscure, and frankly disturbing, fun fact. It’s a MUN-derful life. I love you!

Kate, you’re my anchor and my sail. Thank you for keeping me grounded– grateful for the love and support around me– while also uplifting me, encouraging me to aim high. I’ve never met anyone as radiant as you. Your light shines so brightly that it could provide enough sun to grow an entire garden around everyone it touches. I hope you know you’re my favorite Pure Barre instructor, and the only one to get me through my homesickness at the beginning of college. I love you!

Kathleen, you’re one of my longest friends– I mean, you knew me in my violin era. That says a lot. For literally no reason whatsoever, one of my biggest vulnerabilities in music is singing, and around you I've never hesitated to do it. Instead, we’ve been able to merge our talents together in order to create beautiful pieces of art (except for that one Bio rap). From music to boys to college, I’ve never had to shy away from sharing my innermost thoughts and feelings. Thank you for celebrating raw, authentic friendship with me. I love you!

Kens, thank you for your comfort in the chaos. I remember over Thanksgiving break we attended a party together, both a little tired and overwhelmed. When more guests began to arrive, the music got louder and the people got tipsier. The two of us found solace in playing “Block Blast” and “Woodoku” on our phones seated side-by-side on the couch. Together, in each others’ presence, we were at peace. This pretty much sums up the harmonious, gentle, and endless love I share with you. Cheers to more adventures around the world together. I love you!

Leah, SAFETY. I think you’d be wonderful on SNL. Please audition. There’s no exaggeration when I say you’re the funniest person I know. Your native NYC lingo is truly eye opening– word to my mother I’m not lying. The thought and preparation that went behind the Din Tai Fung surprise dinner is the type of love I hope to find in every friendship. I can’t believe you hired Jerimiah Harris to show up. Thank you for paying attention to every little detail to successfully execute the immensely kind surprise, even down to the Paulson Uber bit. I love you!

Marykate, you can’t make a Tom-lette without cracking a few Greg-gs. I am not Nari without Marykate. I’m so appreciative of our Fresh Pond runs; you positively push me to jump higher and run further. Not only do you give the most uplifting pep-talks in the entire universe, you’re always so pun-ny with it. You feel like Tom to my Greg– our friendship is so unserious yet vulnerable. I love you!

Reese, I think if I got my “daily dose of Reese,” I would no longer need antidepressants. The night of “ivy day,” you accompanied me at my darkest hour to a Scoop-n-Scootery pity party. It was 9:30 pm on– get this– a school night. The ultimate sacrifice. In Plato’s Symposium, Phaedrus defines the greatest form of love as two soldiers on a battlefield, one sacrificing his life to save the other. While we weren’t exactly taking bullets for each other, we put each other first when we needed each other. And you always prioritize uplifting people; I love that about you. I love you!

Teju, thank you for your consistent willingness to bartend and cocktail with me. We’ve been through our entire lives together– through the dull and depressing– yet our friendship always remains so lighthearted. I’ve never been more grateful for our fathers’ golf infested bromance. Let’s play Cards Against Humanity every single Christmas. Indulge in dessert tonight. I love you!


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